Awake like an owl

September 24, 2009 at 9:22 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - Books, Craft - How-to's | 1 Comment
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I don’t know about the others, but it’s generally more challenging and more time-consuming to prepare handmade gifts for those who do crafting themselves than for the others as the standard and the expectation are always much higher. I would rather withdraw the craft project if it is not going to the right direction. This happened now and then and it’s why my good crafting friends are not getting gifts so often.

On the other hand, if I am lucky to crack the challenge, some pieces would come out really great. I’ll consider this macramé owl one of them. Except for the bittersweet frustration due to this project, I probably made a good bet on this one since Bec, the current owner, seems to like it. 🙂

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Turn the clock back

September 10, 2009 at 11:32 am | Posted in Craft - How-to's, Craft - People, Craft - Websites | 1 Comment

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I’ve been folding, but I cannot show

August 11, 2009 at 4:35 pm | Posted in Craft - How-to's | 1 Comment
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I’ve been quite into modular/geometric/unit origami recently. One of the reasons is that I’ve got a box of notepads in 7 colors. There’s nothing better than modular origami to use the colorful paper. In addition, the folding of small units is usually simple, so I can do that while watching TV or doing some other things.

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Simply lucky

July 21, 2009 at 1:28 pm | Posted in Craft - How-to's | 2 Comments
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Here comes the Simply Lucky Clover Bookmark Pattern~

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July 14, 2009 at 1:42 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - How-to's | 14 Comments
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I got my first pair of shining embroidery scissors from Metz back in February. Since then, I’ve been worried about the cute sharp tips being damaged under all kinds of circumstances, not to mention things are falling off my desks almost everyday. I figured it would be nice if the scissors, especially the sharp tips, are better protected. And that is the source of this crochet project.

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Vacation entertainment

June 26, 2009 at 3:03 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - Books, Craft - How-to's, Craft - People | 3 Comments

When people asked me about my vacation, my response was always something like “it’s fantastic”. The next question would be where I had been. Actually, there is no sightseeing involved. I stayed with my sister’s family for 1.5 weeks. The adults worked and the kids went to school everyday as usual and I got a precious chance to relax. By “relax”, I mean no housework, food on request, sleep whenever I want, unlimited internet and smart kids to play with. 😀 Yup, I need to fight with my nephew several times for my own laptop. I cannot think of any vacation better than this.

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Office rat

May 20, 2009 at 2:41 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - How-to's | 2 Comments
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Late afternoon, sun still shining, light wind snicking into the office, a cup of tea with flower flowing on it, a laptop playing Sarah Mclachlan’s old songs, a computer server running programs smoothly and no other urgent assignments……all these are just perfect for a nice afternoon break with a small craft project with the only material I’ve got in the office: A4 paper. The rat is the result!

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Prague once more

May 19, 2009 at 3:54 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - How-to's, Travel | 4 Comments
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It’s my third time in Prague and Natalie’s second time. I should just stop counting that from now on, I guess. 😛 Luckily, there is much more daylights during summer time, so I finally managed to catch some sunshine there this time, mostly from inside the building.

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Trial to a customer order

May 5, 2009 at 2:11 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - Books, Craft - How-to's | Leave a comment
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When holi came to my place the other day, she saw the bunch of doilies I put by the window and said she liked it.  Immediately I promised her to make her one if she wanted.  When I asked her for more specifications, she picked the blue shaded thread from the ones I showed her but gave me total freedom to choose the pattern.

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At least 4 weeks behind

March 16, 2009 at 9:41 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - How-to's | Leave a comment
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Fruit flies like banana……yup… I said in the last post, I kind of lost track of my life. Plus….one of my camera batteries was not working properly and made taking pictures rather difficult….I got tons of excuses to be late. 😀  How late? Well, this hat was finished almost 4 weeks ago!

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