Tutorial of the green & yellow flower pin

August 17, 2006 at 9:55 am | Posted in Craft - How-to's | 39 Comments

It has been almost 1 year since my last picture tutorial. I’m not sure if I have “recorded” all neccessary steps.

Click the pictures for bigger version.

1. Use color pencils & sketchbook to design the color theme. It’s easier to do so with the available fabric scraps around. The petal color is considered as the top. As for my design, the light yellow fabrics would be on the top and the dark green on the bottom.

2. Make the template….with my pepper bottle. ^^ It would be better if there is a pair of compasses…or a printer. But I’m lucky enough to find something fit my scraps. Most of my scraps are 2 inch squares. Here is the pattern. Resize as you want.

3. Cut the template out. It is possible to draw a circle directly on the fabrics without such a template (but with the bottle), even though I prefer to make one so as to keep a record of this project. That’s why I always keep the paperboard packages of various food. 🙂

4. Draw the pattern on the scraps. It might be easier to use a “B” pencil. My HB pencil was just too sharp at the moment, hence I use my fast-fade marker. (The circle faded kind of too fast. -.-)

5. Pair the top fabric with the bottom and pin the right sides together. In my project, it’s to pin each yellow scraps with a green one. We need 6 such pairs for one flower pin.

6. Sew each pair together following the circle drew before, but leave a small open of 1-2cm.

7. Trim the piece to a circle. I only keep 2mm “seam allowrance”.(I’m not sure whether it can still be called “seam allowrance” or not if it is made in this way.)

8. Turn the right sides out from the small open left in step 6. Use blind stitches to “close” the open.

9. Mark the sewing guidelines on the “TOP” of each round piece. It was my favorite part of this project to obtain an equilateral triangle inside the cirle with just one ruler. 😀 Anyway, the lines are also in the pattern.

10. Attach each circle with another two following the lines from step 9. Please note, “bottom” is facing “bottom” during this process.

11. That’s how it looks like after all six pieces are sewed together. It’s almost done, and we still need some decorations. ^^

12. Yoyo is quite popular in this situation, however I think making a yoyo is too wasteful. Here I just use a 1-inch wide orange leftover. The length doesn’t really matter.

13. Fold each end of the orange tape and fold it into two.

14. Sew the open with running stitch and pull the thread so as to gather this side of the fabric. Ajust it to a circle, exactly like a yoyo. ^^ If you want to make a yoyo, see Heather Bailey’s tutorial.

15. Attach the “fake” yoyo to the flower.

16. The last thing is to add a button over the orange piece and we are done! The back of this flower will be like this:

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any question.:-)


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  1. hehe,这几张的手就很漂亮啊,反面看起来也不错, 是不是本来打算同花样的两片相对的

    • lindissimo!!!!!!!!!!parabens.QUE O TODO PODEROSO,O ETERNO.TE ABÇOE MAIS E MAIS.LUCIA

  2. 这个排列是随意而成…..^^

  3. Wow, polar cat! I love it, and I will definitely make one. Thank you for making this tutorial.

  4. This is so clever! I make fabric flowers too, just love the look of them. Yours is so pretty 🙂

  5. […] made this tutorial last August when I just started blogging in […]

  6. It’s just a great your tutorial, I’ll give it a try, it’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing and being available for question.

  7. Très joli….. merci pour ce tutorial

  8. it is very wonderful!!!Many thanks to you!!!i am from Italy!!

  9. Thank you for your tutorial, It’s very interessant. In an other langage, it’s very easy to undestand. Thank you
    Friendly from France

  10. […] Polarcat’s Flower Tutorial […]

  11. I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  12. Very clever. Seems easy enough….

  13. absolutely FABULOUS..I will use it on chemo caps that my church friends and I are making..will use a pin backing so it can be removed and worn as a pin for blouse/coat/handbag. THANK YOU for this tutorial..great job !!!

  14. Very cute and clever!

  15. […] flor dá um pouquinho mais de trabalho, mas o acabamento é perfeito. O tutorial é maravilhoso! Os méritos são do Polar Cat. Fonte: Craft […]

  16. gostaria de receber sempre informativos
    amei cada foto e cada flor!

  17. Great 🙂
    I try make it by myself

  18. é perfeitooo
    amei…………vcs estão de parabéns
    me ajudaram bastante…..queria uma coisa diferente e encontrei..rsrs
    muito bigadoO…
    adoro vcs,,,,,
    bjOs..fiquem com Deus

  19. That’s beautiful! A lovely tutorial, well done!

  20. this is fabulous….thank you sooo much for sharing..it’s very generous of you..I guess I’ll try one now..happy crafting

  21. I just made one and it came out great! Not quite as nice as yours but after a few more I think I’ll have it down.

  22. Thank You very much for your beautiful tutorial!!!

  23. ¡Estupendo! La flor me ha encantado!

  24. Maravillosas las flores!!!


  25. I love this!
    I featured this idea on my blog today, highlighting 3 dozen flower tutorials. Here is the link:



  26. Very nice job on the tutorial. I followed it to a T and mine didn’t come out half bad. With a little bit more practice I’ll be a craftsman in no time.

  27. This was relatively painless and easy to follow along. Good job on the guidelines. Practice makes perfect.

  28. This worked very well for me. I went to my local crafts store and purchased all the material outlined and followed step by step. Mine didn’t come out as nice as yours but I managed to do a nice job overall.

  29. Very creative. My wife loves craft tutorials and making beautiful objects from scrap material. Nice job.

  30. Olá,lindo lindo mesmo,vou fazer,gostaria de saber quando vc junta as petalas vc costura ou cola,vejo pela foto muito perfeito.
    Muito obrigado por nós apresentar uma coisa tão bela.
    Ficarei sempre alerta para suas novidades.
    Se voce tiver algun broche jeans com tuli manda p mim!
    Um abraço
    Malu- Santos

  31. Que flor linda! Um pouquinho difícil, mas acho que chego lá …. Parabéns e obg.!

  32. […] Tissue Paper Pom-Poms How-To – Martha Stewart Crafts , Fabric flower tutorial @ Crafty Beats Polarcat’sFlower Tutorial,cupcake stand on HWTM made by Jessica at Modern Moments Designs , cocktail party design from Rifle […]

  33. The flower looks so cute!!!!!!! cud u plz explain how to join the circles in detail after drawing the triangle???? I’m clueless …sorry i’m beginner 🙂

  34. There’s certainly a lot to know about this issue. I love all of the points you made.


  36. Reblogged this on gottagetagift and commented:
    I often see projects for crochet flowers which can be used to accent many items. However I haven’t been seeing many patterns for fabric flowers. I used to have a pattern I used for brooches but I like this one even more! Maybe someone else can also appreciate it.

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