Country crafts

July 26, 2006 at 3:29 pm | Posted in Craft - How-to's, Craft - Websites | 3 Comments

People talk a lot about “country crafts” and “country dolls”. But, what does “country” mean? I can’t find a strict definiation. There is an entry of “rural crafts” in Wikipedia, but I dont think that is what I am looking for. Maybe “country” style can only be in an ambiguous way.

No matter what, country style is always favorite of many craftsters. Everyone has its own definition of a country style. Country dolls in Japan are not exactly the same as those that can be found in Europe/America. The dolls in the “country doll(カントリードール)” magazine are very typical Japanese country style. (I would rather call those doll “rag doll“. ) There are many Japanese sites dedicated to country dolls. For example, Clover Lollipop I found today.

All the dolls seem to be from the same pattern. They differ from each other in the materials, especially the costumes. I always envy people who can consistently stick to their own style.

Many other similar sites can be found in Clover Lollipop‘s link list.

Also found the source of these famous craft patterns today. Those birds have appeared in different craft designs, e.g. embroidery, tote paints……Kerry’s Kollectables provides a great deal of nice freebies, including a bunch of beautiful bookmarks for print-out. My favorite is the following blank tag template, which could be useful for gift-wrapping.


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  1. Hehe, feel surprise how i found your new blog huh. I got an english one too but just have only one entry for ages. Plan to start it again just for practice my poor english , haha.

  2. 吼吼。。。我就写‘到此一游’! :p

  3. Hi,
    I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog 🙂
    Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day 🙂

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