Afghan stitches with Fingers

August 10, 2007 at 9:54 pm | Posted in Craft - How-to's | 1 Comment

I tried to take a few pictures so as to show how the stitches are made. Here is a closer shot of the stitches.

Some crochet experience would be helpful. Hold the yarn the same way as crocheting or continental knitting. Try to imagine the right index finger is a huge crochet needle with an adjustable hook. 😀 Make sure you already have some ideas about Afghan stitches.

The scarf also start with chain stitches. So, to do the chain stitch, you need first yarn over your hook, i.e. the finger. 😉

When drawing the loop through, you may need help from the right thumb.

Chain number you want, insert the index finger in 2nd chain from the finger, yo, draw up a loop, (insert the finger in next chain, yo, draw up a loop) across. Keep all the loop on the finger.

Do not turn;  (yo, draw through 2 loops on the finger) across, leaving one loop at end.

This tutorial is quite brief, but I still hope it is understandable. Let me know if you have any questions? 🙂

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  1. Cool! Thanks a lot for posting this, I’ll try it out soon. 😀

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