Keeping Everything

March 8, 2007 at 5:07 pm | Posted in All Finished Crafts, Craft - Books | 1 Comment

Myra from mylittle mochi mentioned her compulsion keeping a lot of things which seems useless for men. I think it should be quite common among crafting lovers. Whenever Mr. Y wants to get rid of something, he must consult me to avoid any unreasonable blames. 😛 I keep a lot of garbages.

Even flyers and junk mails are parts of my “collection“. This is definitely more than Mr. Y can tolerate, therefore he occassionally removes some of frequent flyers (not all of them) without notice. In this way, I am always able to find stuff for my crafts, while the small corner is still neat. That’s why I could find a piece of red paper to fold the crane holder today.

The pattern is from the book おり鶴百彩—伝承の鶴から日用雑貨までISBN-10: 4871977013 , which is about applying traditional crane folding to daily zakkas. The crane looks like a dragon or a bat when I put the purple cat in it. 😀

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  1. 这对大眼睛。哈哈。坐这仙鹤去旅行啊。很有情节哈。。 :D

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